
Top 6 Anti-Aging Supplements to Improve Mitochondrial Health, Which is Stronger?

Supplements with the most scientific evidence supporting their role in improving mitochondrial health and slowing aging include NAD+ precursors and urolithin A, among others.

Scientists have found that as we age, our mitochondria decline and produce less energy. This can lead to age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases and heart disease.

One: NAD+
Where there are mitochondria, there is NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a molecule necessary to maximize energy production.NAD+ naturally declines with age, which seems to coincide with a decline in mitochondrial function with age. This is one reason why NAD+ enhancers such as NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) and NR (nicotinamide ribose) were developed to restore NAD+ levels.

Studies have shown that by boosting NAD+, NMN and NR can enhance mitochondrial energy production and prevent age-related stress.NAD+ precursor supplements can improve muscle function, brain health, and metabolism while potentially combating neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, they may reduce weight gain, improve insulin sensitivity and normalize lipid levels, such as lowering LDL cholesterol.

Two: Resveratrol
Resveratrol is a plant-based molecule known as a polyphenol that is thought to activate cell-regulating enzymes known as sirtuins.Resveratrol has been shown to promote the formation of new mitochondria and increase the amount of energy produced by mitochondria. In animals, resveratrol supplementation has been associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity, improved motor function, and reduced levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which has been implicated as an aging regulator, as IGF-1 deficiency leads to longer life spans in mice.

Three: Astaxanthin
Like resveratrol, astaxanthin is a polyphenol that activates sirtuins and promotes the formation of new mitochondria. Supplementation with astaxanthin improved muscle insulin resistance in mice. Additionally, during high-intensity interval training (HIIT), supplementation of mice with astaxanthin has been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which is thought to be one of the main drivers of aging.

Four: Coenzyme Q10
Like NAD+, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a direct and critical role in mitochondrial energy production. Like astaxanthin, CoQ10 reduces oxidative stress, a byproduct of mitochondrial energy production that worsens when mitochondria are unhealthy. Supplementation with CoQ10 may reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. Considering that CoQ10 declines with age, supplementation may provide longevity benefits for older adults.

Five: Urolithin A
Urolithin A (UA) is produced by our gut bacteria after consuming polyphenols found in foods like pomegranates, strawberries and walnuts. Supplementing middle-aged mice with UA activates sirtuins and increases NAD+ and cellular energy levels. Importantly, UA has been shown to clear damaged mitochondria from human muscle, resulting in improved strength, fatigue resistance and athletic performance. Therefore, by counteracting muscle aging, UA supplementation may extend lifespan.

Six: Spermidine
Like NAD+ and CoQ10, spermidine is a naturally occurring molecule that diminishes with age. Similar to UA, spermidine is produced by our gut bacteria and triggers mitochondrial autophagy – the removal of unhealthy, damaged mitochondria. Studies in mice have shown that spermidine supplementation can prevent heart disease and female reproductive aging. In addition, dietary spermidine (found in a variety of foods including soy and grains) improves memory in mice. More research is needed to determine whether these findings can be replicated in humans.

Which one do you think is the strongest?

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